New Moon in Cancer
The New Moon in Cancer represents your Mother relationship, home and family. She represents intimacy, feelings, moods, safety and...

Mars Stations Direct
Mars, the God of War, has finally stationed direct this past Wednesday, June 29, at 4:39pm PST. This planet's personality is feisty +...

New Moon in Gemini + Mutable Grand Cross
Photo Credit :: Pete Longworth :: Soft Core Super Clear retreat w/ Elena Brower + Jana Roemer April 2014 The magic of this New Moon in...
New Moon in Taurus
S l o w d o w n. Listen. Journal. Undo. Forgive. Own your power. Own your worth. Get creative in your expression. It's time for an...
New Moon in Aries
This is the first new moon of the astrological new year and the first Super New Moon of the year. It is a fiery one, Aries, ready to...