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New Moon in Aries

This is the first new moon of the astrological new year and the first Super New Moon of the year. It is a fiery one, Aries, ready to shake things up and move into something new without looking back. On April 17th Mars goes retrograde and the next day, Pluto goes retrograde. It is all internal. Pay no attention to the small part of yourself that wants to blame and point fingers. This is YOUR awakening, your INITIATION. What do YOU want? How are you being called to express? Be willing to step into something you have never done before.

Look at what is causing the biggest shake up, aggression or ego flare :: Let it burn up the dead weight, but take pause it before it destroys that which is here to help you grow. This pause, this time to breathe and slow down amidst the chaos is a key piece of this journey. Stop all the fighting, put down your weapons and shields and move onto new beginnings.

This is such a radical time of new beginnings. Your willingness to lean into humility and admit you don't know will be your most powerful medicine. The way it has been done before, is not the way moving forward. The internal initiation begins with your willingness to step into the unknown. Be spacious enough to look around, to gather your resources, call in the wisdom of your Soul's entire journey and breathe.

There are many pressures, the weak, small self says "why me?" The High Self, the one ready to step up says "I'm ready for the metamorphosis. I am ready to evolve."

The best way to navigate this fiery time is to choose your perspective and focus while cultivating the courage to stay present no matter what pain or adversity that confronts you. It builds the kind of resiliency to keep on no matter how deep the karmic puzzle and in doing so you will discover parts of yourself so ingenious and resourceful that you start to giggle at what you are learning and the ways you rise above.

It is all grist for the mill anyway. Might as well choose to enjoy the ride.

You've got this!

This new moon in Aries, Midwife and Priestess, Aleks Evanguelidi, will co-host our circle at Love Yoga Space on Friday, April 8th at 7:30pm.

Aleks has hosted New Moon circles for a complete decade. She dives deep into Moon Mysteries, Sacred circles and rituals. There is a air of magic about this woman that you need to experience yourself. We are blessed to have her.

Please join us. Save your spot here.

If you would like, bring:

  • a crystal or other item for the altar (you will take home with you all charged up with our energy)

  • a pen and journal

  • a tea mug

Wear something beautiful that you will feel comfortable wearing while sitting on the floor.

Aleks wrote us a poem:


Amidst the wonders

and terrors of the world

I find myself

Wilting like a flower

With petals, like memories

Thirsting for nectar under Spring skies

One by one, my petals

They fall from my bud

To be tossed Aimlessly in the wind like confetti

Or to Carpet the feet of the Goddess as she walks by

Last night I dreamt

You and me (and She) were there

Sipping our tea, sitting in Lotus position

Waiting, pretending to meditate the mind

When all of a sudden

the Walls of my confine

began to shake and take apart

the Lotus of my Heart

and there, I was suddenly bare

Stripped of my pretty pretty

Yet freed from my insecure needs

What is left of me?

When the nail polish has been chipped away

the lines like maps upon my face

The petals of my youth be gone

and the wisdom of time left in their place

What lies beneath safely in my nest

But the promise of tomorrow’s best

For beyond the pretty of my bloom

Lies within a promise coming soon

Beyond my attachments, beyond my needs

I hold the power, I AM the seed.


By the sound of thoughts rolling like a river

Confusion to destination desperation

Becoming the temper of a lost yet hopeful generation

I saw us all

Like children waiting to be led

Like hungry beggars, waiting to be fed

Distrustful of prophets waiting to be king

Living in a circus, distracted by the bells’ ring

The screen goes ding, ring-a-ling ding ding

Nature sounds its alarm

And we wipe the sleep of a hundred lives from our eyes

And like a babe, out comes the giggle!

For I am the forest, I am the field

I am the power, and I am the yield

Within all of me, all of her and of thee

A seemingly endless expansive sea

A collection of sorts

She is both feral and tame

She answers to none, but all share Her name.

In the dawn’s early hour

The dark night slowly ebbing away

A Promise is understood

this Spring birthing day

The work is deep

Its part of our kind

To sit in the circle

To reflect and remind

To hold strong the flame

That remembers your name

and to sit on the Throne

You came here to Claim.

~Aleksandra Evanguelidi

Midwife & Priestess

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