Full Moon Full Lunar Eclipse Super Moon in Leo

{artist Unknown, if you know, please tell me so I can credit}
This moon is potent and complex. I started to unpack it all piece by piece, but it think it will confuse the potency. So instead, I’m pulling out the strongest messages.
I’ll go into an explanation, but the most important message is this:
We need to redefine integrity.
Integrity is a devotion to uphold your moral code and to do the right thing whether you’re being observed or not.
Integrity has been morphed into this expectation of staying true to your word, even when it is out of alignment with your heart and Soul’s purpose. It’s moved out of heart-lead action and into a head-focused promise.
This eclipse brings with it a new embodiment of integrity.
We need to restore the original meaning of this word as being true to your moral compass. And your moral compass lives in your heart, not your head.
Give the reigns of your inner leadership to your heart and let your head take a seat. This moral compass is guiding you to Wholeness.
We’ve been living in an integrity model where your integrity is based off what you can do for me.
We need to adjust that integrity model to include an understanding that by aligning with your heart’s desires & life’s purpose, you seamlessly add value to all life by being the most authentic expression of you that you could possibly be.
This Lunar Eclipse, the moon is at 1° Leo, but the north node which makes the eclipse, is at 27° Cancer.
Leo rules the sun – the Masculine Luminary
Cancer rules the Moon – The Feminine Luminary
We have been experiencing eclipses on the Leo Aquarius polarity since Feb 2017 and this is the culmination of those upgrades. Leo is the Lion, fixed fire, ruled by the Sun and encourages self-expression, playfulness and courage. There is a certain kind of charismatic leadership here that inspires integrity of the heart.
The sun moon opposition, which creates the full moon, sit on the Leo / Aquarius axis and the nodes which create the eclipse sit on the Cancer /Capricorn axis and it happens moments after the sun moves into Aquarius.
Aquarius is the time traveler or more commonly known as the water bearer, fixed air, ruled by Uranus and Saturn. Discipline to bring the New Earth to life. Aquarius is the revolutionary humanitarian. It’s like the Aquarian archetype came from another time or space to bring the wisdom and the innovation that evolves humanity.
This polarity ran a huge story line of shifting the power from the power centers (banks, power, governments) into the hearts of the people.
The Capricorn Cancer polarity where the nodes rest is one of security. Family security and survival / surTHRIVAL security.
Capricorn is the Sacred Feminine dressed in drag. Often confused as a masculine sign, this mountain goat really has the most profound nurturing capacity to ensure that there is a roof over your heads, that there are social structures and that there is a sense of authority ruling over the village to ensure everyone is taken care of always in all ways. Saturn, who rules Capricorn and Aquarius, heads the charge with the responsibility to ensure that every individual is playing out their sacred role in a healthy society.
Cancer is the Divine Mother, Cardinal water, ruled by the Moon and lives in the belly and the breasts of humanity. Cancer is highly intuitive, creative energy and emotional connection is her currency and she is built to nurture. This sensitivity that comes with the Cancer archetype is a gift, yet at times, if left unchecked, the emotional rollercoaster can go to far.
When we look at the polarities in the zodiac wheel, to bring one into balance and wholeness, we integrate the other. In the Cancer Capricorn axis, Capricorn takes care of the physical needs of the family and societal structures, while Cancer takes care of the heart and Soul of the family which when healthy, breathes life into humanity. The Capricorn balances Cancer by asking more questions before taking things personally. Cancer bring balance to Capricorn to ensure that the heart of humanity is considered before profits as we build new structures and systems.
This eclipse happening while the moon is in Leo, while the north node is in Cancer tells us that we must lead with our hearts, with our family, homes and our ancestral lines at the heart of every action.
The sun is moments into Aquarius, the Humanitarian, with the south node in Capricorn begging us to put roofs over the heads of everyone and welcome everyone in to our hearts and homes.
The future is togetherness.
It’s time to recognizing the Human Family and remember that we can’t turn our backs on each other. We need to stop separating and start puling together. It is okay to have opposing views and ideas and beliefs and still live together in harmony. Venus conjunct Jupiter is working to create the balance and harmony necessary to see beyond our egos and into the heart of Humanity. Trine Mars and Venus, ignites creativity and at these degrees, brings with it a momentum that is hard to ignore.
The out dated systems and structures ARE crumbling. The man with the orange face is making sure that we know that the governments don’t care about the people. Freshly in the orb of conjunction, slow moving Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn, are going to highlight everywhere we have failed humanity and tear down the selfish, profit driven structures and replace them with heart-centric sacred structures to ensure humanity can thrive on all levels of body, mind and Spirit. This conjunction goes exact one year from now on January 20th, 2020 and will take until the end of 2020 to taper off. We can expect fairly substantial changes over this time. We saw a Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Libra in November of 1982 and before that was in Leo in August of 1947. The last time we saw the conjunction in Capricorn was in the mid-1500’s.
I'll talk about this more as time goes on. Likely more on my Instagram than here.
This Full Moon Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo is a great time to do the Leo Season Astro Nidra. This is a great one to do when you're rested so you can remain present for the whole thing and it starts with breath work. If you purchased it already, go find it. If you haven't purchased it yet, you can find it here