Virgo New Moon

Sept 9th, 11:01am PST, 17°0' Virgo
Virgo, Mutable Earth ruled by Mercury and Chiron
This is the 6thhouse of daily routines, habits and health
It rules the digestive system, nervous system and spleen.
Virgo is the Virgin, the herbalist, the perfectionist, the healer.
Virgo connects in deeply with the angelic realm, infinite potential and possibilities and through these experiences and the culmination of the personal side of the zodiac wheel, holds the possibility of Wholeness in a truly unique way.
Virgo is such a devote student, eager to learn, to better themselves and to be the best they can be. Virgo is an earth sign ruled by mercury meaning that Virgo season is a time where we check in with our mental health and make adjustments to our lifestyle to ensure that we are caring for our mental wellbeing. Since Chiron is also a ruler of Virgo, it’s an honest look at our childhood wounds, the deeper subconscious programs that are running behind the scenes of our existence. When we are unaware of these subconscious programs, we can be in reaction, as we are becoming aware of these subconscious programs there starts to be space between actions transforming reactions to responses and when we are in full awareness of the programs, we get to uninstall that old hard drive and consciously choose new programs to install to support our Highest Vision and learning.
A younger expression of the Virgo archetype is critical, over analytical, self centered with a bunch of nervous energy, even anxiety. Once there becomes emotional maturity, and self awareness grows and feels a sense of personal, Divine wholeness, this archetype turns to selfless service. Embraces the healer within and truly takes care of others.
To read more about the Virgo Archetype, read this.
Virgo New Moon at 17°0’ opposite Neptune. This 17° degree of Virgo is telling us to get very real right now. No cutting corners, straight to the point, dig in to find what’s underneath. This means upping your game around physical integrity: Clean your work space, your Sacred space, your inner body temple. Purge the clutter, reorganize, clean out the refrigerator and apply some critical thinking to your choices around consumption on a variety of levels. Everything that goes into your spaces, has an effect. Music, environment, human influence, food, daily products, work choices and how you are contributing to the world. All of them. Have a look. Virgo loves the details. Detox your life. Tighten up your daily practices and navigations. Once you clean up the surface, you have a better chance of seeing what’s underneath. Yet this new moon will likely be peeling back the curtain on reality whether you’re ready or not.
Mercury and Chiron rule Virgo, let’s start with Mercury. This gender fluid planet is at 6°42’ Virgo, which is one of Mercury’s homes in the zodiac, and on the tail end of the grand earth trine with Saturn and Uranus. This is a really interesting degree and aspect to traverse. It could be very uncomfortable to be faced with karmas, conflict, consequences and all the gritty bits of life. The inner world reflecting the outer and vice versa. It’s asking us to grow up quickly, to see what we haven’t been able or willing to see, to connected across cultures and divides and make peace, by having the hardest conversations and being open to empathy. Be soft and spacious enough that you can skip the defense line and feel into the deeper layers of what you are being asked to wake up to right now. Jupiter is in favorable sextile energy to the new moon is encouraging us to open to each other, connect with each other, in the name of Spirit and a Higher Vision.
This grand trine is also a catalyst for bringing ideas to life. It wants you to continue clarifying, keep creating and maintain an open channel to listen with your whole being for unexpected inspiration or collaborations that bring your ideas to life in new ways!
Chiron is Rx at 0°44 Aries coming in with a strong desire to fix what is broken with the work ethic of someone overcome with gratitude for a fresh start ready to do anything and everything is takes to get there. It’s in favourable energy with both Venus and Mars, bringing balance to the masculine and feminine within. Sacred masculine to build structure and form, divine feminine to bring creativity and fluidity. Mars is freshly direct and Venus is preparing for her Rx journey come Oct 5th.
The New moon is sitting opposite Neptune which sits at 15°01 Pisces. Remember this polarity is about initiation. These two combined feel everything on all levels. To to be connected and fully aware within both sides of this polarity would create a very strong awakening experience. If any part of you lacks clarity, it could turn to confusion very quickly. Which is where the majority of people will slip in and out of over the next few days. What are your awareness practices? Do them now. This is one of the reasons I love yoga nidra is because it teaches you to surf into different brainwave states and chemical programing with awareness. Many people fall asleep in the transitions in life, yet to learn to remain aware as we transition states is a super power. When Neptune pulls you into his wave, if you can maintain awareness while things start to dissolve or melt away, you’ll meet your inner voice who is ripe and ready to present to you your Soul gifts. The interesting part about this opposition, is that you’re going to become aware of something from the recesses of your mind whether you are watching for it or not. It will make you remember why you started this journey. Opposing Neptune tends to either thin the veil which could be very helpful to show you what’s behind the curtain OR cloud are clear perception creating a little bit of confusion. Another characteristic of Neptune is to be uncommitted. Perhaps Neptune’s opposing the moon so that you hold off a little longer to commit as you revamp your daily routines and rituals. Once you see what you are capable of, your needs will change and you might even learn something that you couldn’t have learned until you sharpened your actions. Get to work, stay open.
Venus and Uranus have an interesting head off in opposition to each other. Venus just entered Scorpio giving you the juice to go in and have these tough conversations with yourself and help you to be okay sitting in the necessary discomfort, yet a the same time, Uranus may bring in a little shock factor so you don’t get too comfortable and fall back asleep.
A major theme that keeps coming through for me on this one is to learn how to remain aware through your transitions and in every moment. This awareness will serve you well as we travel into Libra season where we turn the me into a we.
Questions for Virgo Season and this new moon specifically:
Are you being over critical? Or are you using critical thinking to advance you on your path?
Are you walking through your days and barely remembering your step by step moments, or are you alive, present and making life a ritual?
Virgo aligns with the 6thhouse of daily routines, habits and physical health. Productivity and service. Can you give these areas of your life a tune up?
What are you creating? What do you need in order to create it?
Remember to do the Virgo Season Astro Nidra to help embrace the healer within and get underneath the surface to repattern your blueprint to optimal health and wellbeing.
For those in LA -- come to Love Yoga Space in Venice for a New Moon Circle at 7:45pm. Save your spot here.