What are Astro Nidras?
All the astrology out there tells you what to think or do with the astrology. You're this sign, doesn't it feel like this right now? Granted, lots of times it resonates.
When I started to lay down for Yoga Nidra, I started to realize that the practice was attuning me to what the astrology was doing for me, personally, based off my journal entries that often happened BEFORE I read the stars for the day. This attunement wasn't based off a prediction or something some one said to me, but through my own inner voice awakening and communicating more clearly with me, the star's message.
It dawned on me that I could create practices with just enough guidance to point your awareness to discover for yourself the Highest Teachings of each Sun Season.
The beauty of these practices is that all you have to do is lay down and follow along. You'll finish feeling deeply rested and connected to the cosmos, in a grounded and embodied way. Give it a try!
The ideal way to practice yoga nidra using these Astro Nidras is to stay current with the astrological weather. I will always keep the most recent one on top and I update in my Instagram Stories which to use when.
I've decided to begin producing walking meditations as well. This is something you can easily incorporate into your day without having to set aside more time for meditation or mental heath practice. You just choose to use your time walking with more purpose and intention. These will be sold as one of meditations for $7 OR subscribe and they will be included in the $7/monthly rate.
You can now subscribe to the Astro Nidras + Cosmic Walking meditations. With the subscription, you get everything I am publishing that helps you to work with the current astrology

2019 Taurus Season Astro Nidra
"Indulge in your Senses"
**New Subscription Option**
purchase the Taurus Season Astro Nidra here
Taurus is a Fixes Earth sign, ruled by the planet Venus.
Taurus rules the 5 senses and with Uranus in Taurus for the next seven years, this officially kicks off the awakening of your senses.
First the Sun conjuncts Uranus, then the moon just before she goes new, then Mercury & Venus make the same transit.
Thus, in this practice, we indulge in our senses & by doing so, learn to live in a more subtle expression of them. I've often wondered why we call them our Higher Senses, when more accurrately put, they are our Inner Senses.
Allow this Astro Nidra to take you underneath the noise of the mind and into the wisdom of the subtle body..

2019 Aries Season Astro Nidra
Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign, ruled by the planet Mars
This Aries Season is a little different than the others because we still have three planets in Pisces and Pluto conjunct the south node of the moon. We're being asked to stay in close contact with our intuition and wait for guidance to move forward. You're being asked to release an old outdated belief, inner structure, relationship, safety net, comfort zone... you'll know if you're listening.
This Aries Season Astro Nidra will help you sort it out and then guide you to believing in yourself and your unique way of being in this world.

2019 Pisces Season Astro Nidra
Pisces is a mutable water sign, ruled by Jupiter in ancient astrology and Neptune in modern astrology.
Pisces is the dreamer, the gateway to the subconsious mind, your portal to the other side. The Tibetans say that if you can wake up inside of your dream, you can awaken in all states. They use Lucid dreaming as a fast track to awakening. Let's use this Pisces Season to refine your ability to remain aware in your dreams.
This year's Pisces astro nidra is the first time I have created a yoga nidra to send you off into sleep space. However, I encourage you to stay with the practice until you hear the cue "The practice of yoga nidra is now complete." After which, I cue you to roll over to your side and drift off into dream land.
The idea behind this Astro Nidra is to teach you how to carry your awareness into dream space so you can develop the skills of lucid dreaming.

2019 Aquarius Season Astro Nidra
Aquarius is a fixed air sign, ruled by Saturn in ancient astrology and Uranus in modern astrology.
This unconventional sign that doesn't play by the rules is the water bearer, yet it isn't a water sign. Some say that Aquarians are time travelers who come to bring wisdom from other times.
This Aquarius Season has all planets traveling direct. It is electric and slightly chaotic out there, especially since we are coming off an intense eclipse season.
This Astro Nidra will help you ground and gain perspective as we tap into the wisdom of the Aquarius archetype.

2018 Capricorn Season Astro Nidra
Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, ruled by Saturn.
Saturn is currently at home in Capricorn giving him greater strength that usual.
Capricorn is a time of renewed discipline and setting boundaries. A time of getting clear how to bring the big vision from Sagittarius season to life.
This Astro Nidra does just that: aligns you with the structure and form that will support you in bringing your vision to life. Establishing health and loving boundaries and renewing your devotional discipline.

2018 Sagittarius Season Astro Nidra
Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, ruled by Jupiter.
Jupiter is traveling through Sagittarius making this an extra special and expansive Sagittarius Season.
Sagittarius season is a time of restoring our faith, understanding and altering our belief system, fine tuning our intuition and purpose.
As a fire sign, Sagittarius season is here to light our inner fire, our send of adventure and freedom and for some, to set in motion plans to travel to far off places.
This Astro Nidra guides your to expand inner consciousness and get your inner light shining brightly by pointing your arrow of awareness in the direction of your heart's desires.

2018 Scorpio Season Astro Nidra
Scorpio is a fixed water sign, ruled by Mars and Pluto.
Venus is still retrograde and when she stations direct, Mercury will station retrograde.
Scorpio is the time o the Shaman, alchemy, transformation through discomfort. It is a time of the underworld and exploring the shadows. This is the time of overcoming!
As a water sign, this is a time of year you are really asked to honor and feel your emotions and these emotions are the ones you may have been avoiding.
This Astro Nidra guides us through the directions so we can find center and discover the message that's been hiding beneath the surface..

2018 Libra Season Astro Nidra
Libra is a cardinal air sign, ruled by Venus who is going through a retrograde journey..
Libra stands for justice, desires to restore harmony and rules the domain of relationships.
Libra is political and very diplomatic.
Venus asks us to establish values, know our worth and understand our prosperity comes through love.
This Astro Nidra guides us to that place that is beyond ego, where we can meet in the heart.
It reminds us that we are all connected, that listening to another is to connect to our own heart and gives the tools to help dissolve differences by moving from your Soul.
This one is in silence again. It feels important to have a clear transmission.

2018 Virgo Season Astro Nidra
Virgo is a mutable earth sign, ruled by Mercury! This is a time of paying attention to and caring for your mental hygiene.
Virgo is the virgin, perfection and purity.
Virgo is a healer, the angelic realm and wholeness.
Virgo is transforming routines into rituals.
Virgo can mean discipline and feels safer within order.
Virgo is a time to cultivate self acceptance, kindness and reverence. Not because it's natural, but because we get to dance with the inner critic while learning a new way to live inside of your nervous system.
Virgos like to know all the details, so I shared a little extra about what is happening inside the practice at the beginning. There is a breath practice near the beginning. A little different than Leo Season's breath.
This Virgo Season Yoga Nidra is with a silent background intentionally as a way to honour the tradition and that purity that is accessible during this sun season.

2018 Leo Season Astro Nidra
to get both silent and with sound in one download click here
Leo is a fixed fire sign, ruled by the Sun connecting us with our Source of Love! We also have the third eclipse of this eclipse series at the new moon.
Leo Season is the time of the Lion's Gate and this year a potent eclipse portal and 6 - 7 retrogrades. Deep, life changing work on the most subtle plane while our communication systems are receiving an upgrade. Listening practices have never been more important as we go inward to connect with our Soul's purpose and as again, who am I?
Within this practice we reactivate our light bodies, move toward emptiness and dream our greatest dream in alignment with our Soul's purpose into reality.
If you can do this one in a quiet space outside, go for it and really let the light waves enhance the practice! (just be mindful of time of day or over exposure to the sun. I'm doing it in a slightly shaded area where the light is there, but not direct.

2018 Cancer Season Astro Nidra
to get both silent and with sound in one download click here
Cancer is a cardinal water sign, ruled by the Moon making it a really moony moon! We also have a partial solar eclipse at the new moon.
Cancer Season is the time of the Mother. It's time to heal the Mother wound, connect with the Divine Mother, cultivate self nurturing and self love. In this Yoga Nidra practice, you'll cultivate loving awareness throughout the practice, self acceptance in the opposites as well as emotional independance and courageous intimacy. During the visualizations, you'll connect to the Divine Mother within your maternal lineage.
Because of the depth of this practice, go in with an open heart and a willingness to release some old programs. Try it a few times to appreciate the depth..

2018 Gemini Season Astro Nidra
to get both silent and with sound in one download click here
Gemini is a mutable air sign, ruled by Mercury meaning that it is a time of the mind and the intellect. Gemini is the twin archetype: The higher mind and the lower mind, the play of polarities in order to rediscover union. It is typically a social time, yet this round there are three retrograde planets and we're gearing up to have six planets Rx by July 4th. Since there are so many retrogrades, you may not feel as social as Gemini season will usually lead you, so we'll activate this social energy inward to gather your luminaries and merge with their wisdom in the visualization portion of the practice.
This Yoga Nidra will also help to sharpen you cognative abilities AND practice sustaining the state of yoga nidra for greater amounts of time.
It is recommended to practice this one a number of times as each time, you'll deepen the experience.
There is no astrology to introduce this practice. It starts with getting comfortable. This is how they will be from now on.

2018 Taurus Season Astro Nidra
to get both silent and with sound in one download click here
Taurus Season is about grounding and remembering your worth. The full moon in Scorpio has the medicine of a break through in it. This comes with just enough stress to make sure you're paying attention. Make sure that you take advantage of this time by grounding yourself and getting on the inside of your experience so you can discover what is underneith.
The other significant shift during Taurus Season is the movement of Chiron from Pisces into Aries -- this will cause a significant shift in how your relate to your wounds. Time to turn your pain into passion.
We are also preparing from Uranus to move from Aries into Taurus as the moon returns to new on May 15th. This is a resetting of your nervous system.
This Nidra addresses all of it. Tune it. Practice it at least once a week and watch how the practice shifts as the planets move.
There is no astrology to introduce this practice. It starts with getting comfortable. This is how they will be from now on.

2018 Aries Season Astro Nidra
This Yoga Nidra for Aries Season begins by unplugging yourself from everything that is not yours and continues with a practice of returning to your own unique energy signature called your home frequency. In the Quantum studies, they have found that the energy signature of each individual is as unique as your finger print. This home frequency holds the codes to your purpose, your gifts and your inner healer -- yet there are so few practices that guide you right into the center of this Source. This yoga nidra takes you there.
It begins with a 5 minute astrology update for this cycle -- if you would like to skip it and get straight to the nidra, skip ahead until 4:38. This one has silence in the background. The one with sound will be released shortly.
Collages by Jess Wells, Photography by DJ Pierce
Collages by Jess Wells, Photography by Alison Love

2018 Pisces Season Astro Nidra
click here to get the Pisces Season Astro Nidra.
This Nidra for Pisces Season is a practice of surrender and healing your inner child. This year's Pisces season contains a high likelyhood of being triggered and makes a request that you pull your energy inward to repair and then create. This nidra will support the energies of this time.
This nidra has silence in the back ground rather than a sound scape. I am hoping to hear from you about the experience. As I explore the practice in deeper ways, I am noticing that silence is really nice. In the future, I am considering an option that has sound and another that has silence. Feel free to share you preference with me.
Collages by Jess Wells, Photography by Alison Love

2018 Aquarius Season Astro Nidra
click here to get the Aquarius Season Astro Nidra.
Within this session we go visit our future self and make a request to pray for ourself. The concept was inspired by a study Dr. Joe Dispenza shares in his book "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself"
When I first guided this session, something else came in and guided me. As I was preparing to work on the Aquarius Season Nidra, one of the student of the recent 300 hour YTT in Croatia randomly texted our group to share that she had just done the nidra. I honestly didn't remember guiding it, yet when I went to listen, it was perfect for this time.
Once you do the nidra, you'll understand with even more clarity why.
The pay-what-you-want starting at $7 rate will be valid through my website until the end of the current Astrological Season. Afterward, they will still be available for download at $11.
Nidra Sound Design by Geoff Agosti
Please enjoy
Thank you for Supporting this Nidra Work
Full Disclosure: The 2017 nidras are now available on Insight Timer for free. This won't be happening with the 2018 Astro Nidras. If you feel called to support my work, please purchase here and you'll get a downloadable version to have on your device. You can also support the production of this work by donating to loveyourself@janaroemer.com through PayPal or Venmo to @janaroemer.
Your support of this work is what makes it possible. It supports my family and the families of three others as well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the exchange in support of this project. We would like to reach as many people as possible with these light teachings.

My husband and I just did your yoga nidra. A mere 35 minutes later, I feel like I just attended a weekend healing workshop!
- Andrea, LMFT, CA

What I absolutely love about Jana, and which is without a doubt why her astro nidras are so extraordinary, is the depth of inner work she constantly reaches for in herself on her own path. This is a woman who walks her talk, who is perpetually growing wiser, transmuting and alchemizing with the most nurturing love and attention, every single thing that comes along the way.
With each new layer she discovers in herself, her powerful limbic system makes it not just possible, but easeful, for us to meet her there, to feel the wonder of a new dimension, within the framework of our own bodies, while laying in meditation, perhaps thousands of miles away (as is the case with me).
To be held by her voice and her presence is deeply healing. I recommend these nidras to all of my clients, and especially if you do not have experience with meditation, it's a wonderful place to start.
Antesa Jensen, Founder, Adventure Awake (www.adventureawake.com)

I have done this now morning and night for 3 days and each time I learn and see more in the visualizations. Beautiful voice, gentle guidance. An absolute treasure uncovered!