Life is Phenomenal
5- full day, +1 morning retreat with Jana Roemer & Amor Luz
Kicking Horse, Golden, British Columbia, Canada
Nestled in a majestic mountain valley between the Rocky & the Columbian Mountian ranges, within walking distance of Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, we will cozy up in luxiours log mansion while indulging in delicious healthy meals and exploring the Akashic Records.
On the first day of this retreat, Amor Luz will open the Akashic recordes for everyone simultaneously and we will begin to see the karmic connections between those gathered. As we open ourSelves to ethereal worlds, you will deepen your relationship with your Soul's lineage. You will gain clearer perspective on your individual purpose and gifts, while guiding you toward understanding the deepest roots of you patterned ways.
We will start each day with meditation and yoga practices designed to support you in learning to open your own Akashic Records. There will be time to get out onto the mountain however your heart desires as this is also the last week the ski resort is open! There will be another softer yoga practice before dinner to help integrate the day's teachings. We'll close each day with a meditation to seal in the energy being harnessed.
Anna Colin, Ayurvedic Practitioner and Chef, will be crafting our meals
About the Akashic Records:
The word "Akasha" is a Sanskrit word for the primary substance of which all things are made. People may be drawn to the Akasha because the letters in the word "Akasha" or "Akashic" vibrate to activate the heart-mind-source origin connection. The Akashic Records are the individual records of a soul from the time it extends from source until it returns to source. At the time we make the decision to experience life as an independent entity, there is a field of energy created to record every thought, word, emotion and action generated by that experience. That field of energy is the Akashic Records.
To read an Akashic Records journey with Amor & Jana about this retrear, click here
"The information has expanded my viewpoint of what I am able to do. Amor is very present in connecting with each one of us. I feel more confident in accessing my own records." Mary Anne G